28 July 2008

Sasquatch Pact and Wartless

Just a short update: I am pretty sure I'm not going to shave my legs for the next 3.5 weeks. This is not just for fun, oh no. But it is another bribe/bet. Devin wondered how hairy my legs actually would get, and if I really would never shave them, so he offered me $100. I thought hard about it - for 1 whole day, but really, shaving is annoying, i'll get more tan if I dont, and I'll get $100 dollars effortlessly. The only real problem is I am usually in a bathing suit, and usually in public. It will get embarassing, but I'll keep you posted on how it goes.
Now for the REALLY BIG NEWS. The wart is finally gone! How many of you thought this day would only come by surgical removal?? Probably atleast 5 of you. Well it's gone and thats no joke. So congratulations pinky!


Kathleen said...

um, congrats on the wart but why trade one nasty for another??????

Lindsay said...

I want to know why you are so excited. cant wait to see you! loveyoubye

Zane + Nichole said...

you can totally do the whole no shaving thing! it is a pain in the but, i usually only do it for church, and no one should be touching your legs anyway. haha.

100 bucks, you better do it, or you owe me! :)