22 September 2010

No pictures, just complaints

I'm sorry there are no lovely pictures to accompany this post, but it's really impossible to get a snap shot of losing your mind.

Although this is about to be some minor complaints, I can still see the silver lining in it all. Like life.

I'm now a commuter. Something no one ever, ever, EVER wants to be. That means it takes me an hour to get to work, an hour and a half to get to school, 2 - 2.5 hours to get home from work, and one hour to get home from school. I'm single handedly polluting DC and Northern VA. The plus side of this is my newly downloaded 1,523 podcasts. To some, that seems unbelievable and inconceivable. That's what commuting does to me - podcasts me. So podcasts is one silver lining, and the silver lining of that is that podcasts are becoming my new love. I listened to the entire September ensign today (can I count that as scripture study?). Then I listened to a diary from a girl who has been in a JDC for 4 years (very relevant, considering the work I currently do), but was recovering and moving out. And then I listened to some budgeting tips (also relevant - I'm a grad student).

I ordered a text book for school when school started - 4 weeks ago - and it never came. I emailed them to see where it was. That is when they informed me it wasn't coming and they'd refund my money. 2 weeks later, I got it. More than a week ago I expressed ordered the same book from Barnes and Noble. I got an email saying it was shipped. Here I am today, on the phone with BN for 2o mins bc the book isn't coming and they want to refund me too. After 20 mins on the phone he tells me I can get the full price version and they'll waive express shipping. He must think I'm stupid... it says on the home page that full priced text books get free expressed shipping. I told them I can't used BN anymore. Silver lining? I don't have to do my readings for that class... because I can't.

I've annoyed myself after writing this. SO that's enough.
The point I'm actually trying to make is that there can always be something good - even to something bad. It's finding the good in life that keeps minds in tact.
I'm seeing the good.

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